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In July of 2019 a group of local residents brought Robert Shetterly’s inspiring project, Americans Who Tell the Truth, Models of Courageous Citizenship, to Ipswich. The work is a collection of painted portraits and narratives that highlight the numerous contributions of ordinary and well-known citizens alike, who have affected change in the social, economic and environmental landscape of America over the past 200 years. The portraits and narratives provide a historical framework for understanding the principles of democracy and the actions of individuals necessary to achieve its goals. The project served as the foundation for a collaborative effort within the community. Individuals, businesses and cultural organizations were encouraged to create discussion and programs around the ideals of democracy and the role of effective citizens in ensuring informed decision-making. 


2020 has been quite a year!

In reflection of this the committee has had to reevaluate our goals and redesign our exhibit to be a bit smaller but no less impactful. The artwork displayed will be the print version, which will allow us to increase the number of portraits in the collection. Please make some time to engage in the work of artist Robert Shetterly, and prepare to be inspired by the courage of the people who are represented in his work. This year we are again partnering with Zumis Espresso and we are pleased to include the Ipswich Public Schools. The community exhibit, representing 26 courageous Americans, will go on display for the month of October at Zumis Espresso, located at 40 Market Street, in Ipswich, MA. Zumis has remained open serving their incredible coffee and pastries throughout this challenging time. The public is allowed to enter and view the collection while observing state mandated social distance guidelines. Concurrently, each school will display four portraits of their own choosing during the same month and working their selections into the curriculum. We will also be displaying the school selections on a wall at Zumis to bridge the two exhibits. This project is for the WHOLE community…Prepare to be inspired!


Robert Shetterly, a Maine based artist, began this project in 2002 and now has over 230 portraits and accompanying narratives of people who have spoken out to correct social and economic practices inconsistent with democratic principles.  Each portrait presents a unique story of individual determination to right an injustice, preserve civil liberties, or to protect the environment, with the intent to inspire continuing citizen participation in the advancement of the American experience. Any single portrait can be controversial depending on the viewer’s perspective, but collectively the exhibit demonstrates the historical importance of a firm commitment to the bedrock principles of America. More importantly, the exhibit is a catalyst to stimulate future efforts by individuals to meet the ever-changing needs of the country, states and local communities. The exhibition is intended to bring awareness to deeds, both large and small, which in the past changed the country for the better, with the hope that similar acts and words of engaged citizens will continue to move America forward in the best traditions of democracy.



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